This topic is a bit more interesting than the last. It observes a phenomenon that gives credibility to all kinds of spiritual energies which people have dreamt up. It gives some scientific backing to the idea that everything in the world is actually connected somehow that we dont quite understand yet.
We will observe the 'Phantom DNA' phenomenon which brings rise to the idea of subtle energies we havent discovered yet.
This is what DNA looks like.
It is a double helix consisting of ladders of paired amino
acids. Different strings of genes (i.e, 10 rungs in a particular exact
sequence) are thought to represent/effect particular things.
However, even though were told the Human Genome project is
complete (sequencing the entirity of our human DNA strands), all this means is that it has been read and mapped. Nobody knows what
it means yet. Most geneticists currently claim 3% of the DNA code is used in humans (claims made between 3% and 10%). If you imagine a very long specific combination of these amino acid pairs to suggest one part of us, such as hair colour. They have mapped various segments of our DNA saying if you have this length of code in this order somewhere, it means you have black hair. The idea is 3-10% of our code has been linked to specific traits or features. Most go with the idea that the rest of it is a genetic graveyard, mutated genes
from the past, previous genes from less evolved states etc. i.e. they brush it
off as inert junk.
Russians have in the past done some crazy experiments which
made them question everything we know. They got too involved and decided to abandon the studies. Now there have been some very
recent replications of these Russian experiments, combined with some sophisticated new
technology, which furthered the experiments and made them visual rather than just a theoretical hypothesis. And it is some seriously trippy stuff that makes you really wonder how much we know, and give credibility to various spiritual actions and ideas.
Scientists in Russia about 15 years ago conducted experiments
that showed a weird phenomenon. If you shine a particular type of laser light
with some specific wave characteristics through DNA, the DNA will emit photons,
or glow. What they discovered was a few crazy things.
If you shine the laser through the DNA of a
leaf, and then remove the leaf, the image will stay in the pattern of the leaf
for some time, like the DNA is still there under the laser, emitting photons.
If you chop a bit of the leaf off and then turn
on the laser, it still glows where the leaf should be. Its like the leaf still
has this energy form where its appendage was. But this only works if you do it
quickly. If you try it after a while, the severed limb will not appear. Almost
like the energy has slowly dissipated.
This suggests two things. One, every bit of DNA(every single human cell) has
all the information required to create a whole human. This 90-97% of our DNA is junk business is nonsense, you need one DNA strand, and you can recreate the whole object
in full detail. Secondly, it says there is some weird energy at the DNA level
which we have previously been unaware of.
Here is an image showing the phenomenon. The DNA energy lingers after the leaf is broken in two. Move it around and the image moves with it. The energy is still there for a while.
Similar here. This image shows a very tiny portion of the leaf remaining in the top-right corner, the very tip of the leaf. The rest is a projection of this DNA energy field.

Now comes the second trippy experiment. Using a similar technique, but instead of lasers using sound waves encoded with the DNA somehow. Scientists got two
embryos, one from a frog, and one from a salamander. Both were exposed to this encoded sound vibration from the other creatures DNA. They both started
mutating, developing information from the other embryos image. Hypothesis is
that the two DNA images somehow interfered with each other and disrupted
growth. This would mean that the energy levels were connected somehow. i.e. the
DNA images are in some weird energy realm we don’t know of and are connected. In this experiment they were using very early stage embryos of a frog and a salamander. At the point where there wasnt much difference between them, but they knew exactly what they should look like etc. Once positions were swapped, the lizard embryo apparently started turning into a salamander, and vice versa.
German geneticists are arguing there is a networked
intelligence at the DNA level that enables hypercommunication of information
amongst living things. They say we are all connected by DNA energy or
something. Their hypotheses explains all kinds of paranormal phenomena which we
leave as unexplained at the moment.
It seems perhaps the hippies weren’t far off with their
spiritual worlds and united being theories.
Subtle energies
In essence, I think there are
lots of subtle energies out there in the world which we haven’t picked up on
yet. Its not just chemical reactions, electromagnetic radiation, and gravity. Theyre
the big three, but theres heaps of really subtle ones out there too. This Phantom DNA theory is
claiming one of these subtle energies is apparently emanated by all living
things through their DNA somehow. For the first time we have been able to
measure it, and don’t know what to make of it. Something like the image below of spiritual energy fields may not be that far off.
Last time we discovered and
learnt to understand a subtle energy, we turned it into nuclear fusion. This subtle energy was called the weak
nuclear force.
Who knows what will happen when we learn to measure and harness other subtle energies.
I just find it interesting as it
brings so many unexplained energies that we labelled as ‘spiritual’ energy a step
closer to scientific fact.However it is still a pseudoscience. Some solid
unquestionable evidence, but not enough for a case yet.
Still makes you think twice about brushing off alternate
healing methods or things which are claimed to work with a long history of
success, and nobody knows why. With doctors and prophets might have been real :p
DNA wormholes
Other Russian scientists have also joined the cause, trying to understand this particular subtle energy. They discovered very interesting things happen when DNA is placed in a vaccuum. The DNA starts creating weird energy patterns and actually produces magnetised wormholes. These are tunnel connections between two different points in the universe, that deft the physics of space and time. They are often found around black holes. So.... our DNA has been observed to actually create these 'portals' under certain circumstances. They create wormholes, gathering information from other parts of the universe, and placing them into your DNA, thus into your consciousness. So in essence, there has been some science discovered that could explain the process of telepathy or spiritually 'channeling energy'.
There is one natural phenomenon we have observed and previously not been able to explain, that has been brought up in a few articles as possibly related to this form of hypercommunication. In an ant colony, the queen bums around, and all worker ants have specific tasks to do which they are very efficient at. They all know exactly what their role is and seem to work in harmony wit heach other. It has been observed that if you take the queen ant away, even a very long distance away, the worker ants keep doing what they are doing, without question. They still know what and how to build. But the instant the queen ant is killed, the whole ant farm goes into a state of chaos. The worker ants forget what they are doing, and just wander around. There is no longer this surreal state of harmony between them, its every man for themselves, and there are no instructions. This might or might not be related, but it is a very very interesting phenomenon either way. The queen ant seems to somehow provide this hypercommunication across very long distances straight to each ant, and they all know exactly what to do somehow.
Maybe we experience this kind of hypercommunication (gathering information through DNA wormholes?) all the time and call it inspiration or intuition. The wormhole theory has recently been used to explain the Phantom DNA effect. It is suggested that after the DNA sample is removed, the remaining wormholes in its place continue to transfer DNA information, allowing the phantom image to remain.
It is uncertain if this hypercommunication is something that has faded from our ancestral times, something that remains in its fullest form presently and we just dont understnad it yet, or something that is dormant and we can learn to use. Some research suggests it was used in our past when our ancestors hunted as a group, and its functions have ceased and slowly dissipated as we became individuals, working alone as in the present. Certain animals that are considered 'pack animals' seem to have better intuition then us. We often report feeling when someone you are very close to has been hurt. This 'remote sensing' about the state of our peers is not considered very accurate, and is more of a loose gut feeling. But nonetheless, it has been reported countless times, and everyone sort of accepts the idea without explanation. Dogs are considered as more adept at this kind of thing, often sensing when their owners are coming home long before they are within hearing or smelling range. This could well be explained by the ideas of group consciousness and hypercommunication theory.
Book: Amazing Hydromechanics
By V. I. Merkulov