How many
dimensions are there?
So a bit of a search reveals scientists believe there are
currently about 10 dimensions which would completely explain our universe and
every other universe out there (apparently). I might just list each one and do
a bit of reading on it see how far we get. Seatbelts on, this might get a bit
First dimension-
So this is nice and easy. Doubt I have to explain. Imagine a
string that has no thickness. Its just a pure length.
Second dimension-
So now we add width to it. 2-D can be visualised as a flat
image. Has a width and a length. Like a square.
Third dimension-
3D adds breadth or depth to the world. Think turning a
square into a cube. Tadam! Three dimensions.
Fourth dimension-
Smashed it! 3 down 7 to go. The fourth dimension can be
represented by time.
Initially Isaac Newton thought time was constant for all
objects. This stuck until Einstein developed the special theory of relativity.
This theory brings together classical mechanics and electromagnetism. So Einsteins
theory of relativity points out that time isn’t constant between all objects.
In summary as an object approaches the speed of light, time slows and mass increases.
This means if you were travelling the speed of light, your rocket would be
infinitely heavy, and time would slow to a stop. So this theory of relativity measures
time as a coordinate as well in a larger geometry which we call spacetime. It can be visualised by imagining a spaceman who hops into a rocket and zooms around the universe at close to the speed of light. To him he might spend what feels like 5 years in space, but because he was travelling so fast, time was warped and when he gets back to the earth he might find 500 years have passed. The faster you travel relative to the earth, the more the time difference between your spaceship and the earth are warped.
5th and 6th dimensions- Infinite worlds (past, present and future theories)
Ok so now were screwed. Those 4 are easy. Now we get onto
the abstract stuff which doesn’t make any sense because the concepts are
completely new to us so we have no way of visualising or comprehending them.
Who the hell thinks up these extra dimensions if theyre so abstract, and how do
we know theyre not just talking crap? Scientists and Physicists goal in life is
to develop a grand unified theory. This represents a model of the universe that
can be used to explain everything. They crunch ridiculous numbers and often end
up with recurring blanks in their equations which hint at unknown elements we don’t
know about or cant see/measure. One example is looking at atoms and trying to
break down those building blocks into their smallest packages. They have discovered
all kinds of tiny tiny particles with ridiculous types of energy simply by
repeating experiments and finding that the small energy discrepancies are
repeatable so an additional unseen particle would fill the gap perfectly. This
is similar to the reason extra dimensions are created. You cant see them or
feel them or taste them, but their existence makes your models and calculations
a lot more accurate. So as abstract as they might be, number crunchers feel
they exist as their inclusion turns jibberish equation models of the universe
that don’t work into perfectly sensical models. As for how they try and explain
or express these extra dimensions im not sure yet. I will have to go for a big
dig now and see what I can get.
The fifth and sixth dimensions apparently deal with the
future and the past. Linked to the 'many-world theories' if you want to dig deeper. They delve a bit into the concepts of quantum physics. One
of the main elements of quantum physics is the idea that there are infinite
possible futures in front of you. Imagine youre in the matrix and theres a line
of choices in front of you.I guess it can be simplified as many different
splits in the path, except it’s the same path. One path is the continuation of
the world in the case that you decide to cross the road (maybe a truck comes
and hits you?), another path is the continuation of the world in the case you
decide to wait a moment and the bus zooms past. This is very simplified. Pretty
much the concept states that there are infinite different worlds existing at
each point in time. As soon as you make a choice and do something, that one
becomes ‘reality’ and the rest disappear. Then instantly the same happens
again, so oyu continuously have all possible options in front of you, and as
soon as you choose one, that becomes the real one and all other options ahead
refresh to reflect the past.
How does this make any sense? Quantum physics deals with
tiny particles in atoms, as well as electrons and other basic building blocks.
Experiments (not sure if mind experiments or physical ones) have shown that
electrons have a spin to them. It has somehow been shown that electrons zoom
around the atom nucleus. However, rather than orbiting like a planet around the
sun, the model has been developed that the electron is everywhere in this orbit
at the same time. Kind of like a shell, or a force field around the nucles.
When we try and look at the electrons, they quickly assume a single position.
So this kind of reflects the idea of all future paths co-existing until you
actually look or make a choice, when one single option is selected and becomes
reality, then all futures refresh to reflect this state and this repeats.
So I guess this idea kind of goes beyond the time dimension,
by in a way materialising the past, present and future into a single model.
Kind of trippy to really understand, but I think ive managed to sort of
comprehend it and explain it. So the model would be all co-existing future
worlds laid out in front of you, and the ‘present’ being a single observation
of all the infinite different possible worlds at each point in time… and I
guess the past being just a linear time progression representing the choices
you have made..
That wasn’t too bad J
Im still half with us here…
So if you could learn how to take advantage and travel around the fifth and sixth dimensions.. you could travel into the future and back in time pretty readily...
7th, 8th, 9th and 10th dimensions (parallel universes)
KK Theory Equations
Im pretty sure the guys who write these equations are from another dimension..